Reducing last 30 mile use of Fossil fuel

Fossil fuel-induced inflation currently exists in all things that require fossil fuel to be shipped. 40% of all fossil fuel is used to ship Fossil fuel so if we start by producing things like Concrete from locally sourced materials we can eliminate the 80% of Carbon released during Mining Processing and shipping cement to the 6800 regional ready mix plants. Calcium Carbonate can be extracted from our Oceans At scale by harnessing Shellfish farming. encouraging local Fishing fleets to go 100% electric will further help lower our Carbon footprint. Angel Sharks has created a Sustainable Reward system to pay Shellfish farms to produce more shellfish. We pay them for the shell grown. While the Shellfish meat offsets a Farm-raised land animal eaten. Each Shellfish shell by weight is 80% Shell 12% of which is Carbon removed from our Waters.